美国 - 擎天X射线系统

USA - Carestream Prime X-ray System


  Carestream is a dynamic, global company with more than 100 years of leadership. We are passionately committed to doing whatever it takes to help our customers be successful. By applying our insights and experience, we create inventive, elegant solutions that offer a smarter way forward. We also serve industrial markets with our non-destructive testing products, enabling customers to capture high-quality images for applications such as aircraft inspection, assemblies, castings and forensics.

  我们有数以千计的医疗解决方案,如RIS+PACS、enterprise workow、基于云的服务等,安装在全球领先的医疗机构。我们是全球领先的数字放射成像(DR)和计算放射成像(CR)系统供应商之一,在创新方面有着良好的记录,包括DRX系列DR系统——以先进的无线DRX Plus探测器为特色,兼容我们所有的DRX设备。我们在全球拥有超过600项专利。我们的无损检测机构有超过75年的经验,服务于工业安全和检测市场的客户。

  We have thousands of healthcare solutions, such as RIS+PACS, enterprise workow, cloud-based services and more, installed at leading healthcare facilities worldwide. We are one of the top global providers of digital radiography (DR) and computed radiography (CR) systems, with a track record for innovation, including the DRX family of DR systems – featuring the advanced, wireless DRX Plus Detector, compatible across all our DRX equipment. We have over 600 patents granted worldwide. Our Non-Destructive Testing organization has more than 75 years’ experience serving customers in industrial safety and inspection markets.

  自2007年以来,Carestream Health一直以成为Onex家族的一员而自豪。Onex是加拿大最大、最受尊敬的公司之一,旗下拥有先进的集成技术、Clarivate Analytics、Tecta America、WireCo World Group和汤森路透 (Thomson Reuters) 的知识产权与科学业务。Onex公司在多伦多证券交易所(OCX)公开交易。

  Carestream Health is proud to be part of the Onex family of companies since 2007. Onex, one of Canada's largest and most respected corporations, owns companies that include Advanced Integration Technology, Clarivate Analytics, Tecta America, WireCo WorldGroup, and Thomson Reuters’ Intellectual Property & Science Business. Onex Corporation trades publicly on the Toronto stock exchange (OCX).

产品 Products


Flexible imaging and IT solutions designed to meet the needs of the growing healthcare industry.From community hospitals to large health care organizations, we offer imaging and IT solutions that are tailored to your organization's needs and budget.Help you quickly digitize your work with RIS/PACS, clinical data archiving, and wireless DR solutions, all aimed at improving workflow, employee productivity, and patient service quality while reducing your costs.        


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